Question Hoad
    Age : 
    Your County : Wiltshire
    Your Nationality : English
    Best Position : Center attacking midfield
    Current Club : Melksham fc
    Previous Clubs : Boxhill fc surrey academy 
    Which Club you want a trials for : Reading
    Country you live : England
    Write about your football history : I have played in many positions around the midfield and as a striker. I feel my best position is cam. I have been to trials for a few clubs or have been asked to join but the timings have meant I can't play for them. 
    Write about your Playing Ability : I have been the best at school for the last couple of years and have been succsefull in my clubs suck as reaching most goals scored in league
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : Because I am determined. I will work hard for my club and for my team mates. I love playing football weather that be by myself or with friends or for a team. I have to play football every day. It's just uncontrollable. I am so determid to play football and to do my best. It would be great to play at such high level.


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