Last Name: sharp
City: lincoln
State/Prov: pe220bb
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: right wing/centre defending midfield
Current Football Club: boston united centre of excellence
Past Football Club: boston saints
Football Club You Want Trial For: peterborough
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing when I nearly 9 in a under 10s team at Boston saints. I played for them for two years and then got noticed at a school match & asked to trial for boston united. I have been playing for them since the under 11s & I am currently under 14s.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I cover alot of ground and I am noted for my fast running and fitness. I appreciate the importance of working as a team & feel I am a good team player because of my good communication skills and I am not selfish with the ball.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I feel I am ready for the next step up. I have learnt a massive amount over the past three years and a half years with Boston & feel my football ability has improved greatly but want to challenge myself further. I am a good listener and take on board the advice & guidance my coach gives me. If I am given the opportunity to trial for a different academy I will give it my best because I really want to continue to improve and see if I have got the ability to take my football to a higher level.
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