Last Name: Cato
City: London
State/Prov: northolt
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 15
Playing Position: St
Current Football Club: Brookhouse
Past Football Club: Brentford
Football Club You Want Trial For: Everton
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My first team was Viking fc.It was a local club which me and my friends played for. Then I joined Brentford in year 7.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: For Brentford, I used to score many goals sending us to cup and tournament finals.Im not a lazy striker, I go to the ball I work very hard to win the ball because I normally play without an extra striker helping me.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I have a passionate mind, and I think I'm ambitious and eager to learn new skills.
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