Last Name: shortiss
City: Wolverhampton
State/Prov: West Midlands
Country: Country
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: midfielder
Current Football Club: perton fc
Past Football Club: prd United
Football Club You Want Trial For: Any
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started off in a school football match it was my first ever game I came on half way trough and scored 4 goals after the match one of the teachers friends asked my dad if I wanted to start in team so I did and I progressed further and I became captain of the team for a few years then moved on to perton and after 6 months was captain
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a fast paced midfielder with a good ability to pass long ball from on side of the pitch to the other I've always been great with my head and I have a fair shot on me
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I've always wanted to he a footballer here is my chance I work hard and I'm very competitive and committed to what ever I do
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