Kuni Nehemie
Age : 18
Your County : England
Your Nationality : French
Best Position : Midfield
Current Club : Hyson Green Fc
Previous Clubs : Amilly J3
Which Club you want a trials for : anyway
Country you live : England
Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : In France it is very hard to play the highest level, it's hard to find a academy must go to Paris and France there are many talented players as you know my mother was all the things she could to I found a team but she was all alone nobody could help us and then my uncle called us in London for me to come here and so my mother told me this is a good idea so it's been 2 years that I'm always on the looking for a club
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I have a good vision of the game, I'm strong, I have a very nice ball technique, Determination
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I am determined to play the highest level of england what is to be done I would go to the end I left my family in France to come play in England because it makes me dreamed since childhood in these stadium do magic dreamed fans and get a proffessional contract. I hope you take the time to read my motivation and get a response it will be a pleasure to you.
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