caleb munuru kibuthania
Age : 17
Your County : kenya
Your Nationality : kenyan
Best Position : striker
Current Club : south b soccer academy
Previous Clubs :
Which Club you want a trials for : arsenal
Country you live : kenya
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : i began playing football since i was six in the streets and anywhere a ball happened to be. At school, whenever there was a break, i would hit the pitch. Now am in highschool and am in the school team. We normally have interschool league tournaments and i have been participating for 3 yrs now. I have always dreamt to play in the English Premier League at Arsenal. Nevertheless, institutions like this could just help me achieve my dream.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : i can play the whole ninety minutes as i daily workout. Iam a skillful striker who doesn't run after the ball but makes the ball run. I hav an affinity for the ball, which consequently given me dribbling skills which help me beat defenders and do the necessary, score goals.
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