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    List of Football Trials by Locations in England

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    List of Football Trials by Locations in England





        Liverpool FC Education Programs trials are full time academic courses, after a trial offer the opportunity to remain in education whilst representing this infamous club. This Course is operated by the Official Liverpool Football Academy International aimed at the age group of 16-18 year olds, the program that we offer will be one that caters for a maximum of 48 students, per school/college, with the intake being capped at 24 entrants per year. We believe strongly that a number cap on participants is vital to ensure that a standard is maintained within that program.

    Liverpool Academy Football Trial, learners who are looking to become a part of Liverpool Football Academy Education Program will be required to pass a sporting trial, along with an educational interview, to ensure the course is suitable for the student and the student is suitable for the course.

    We offer a variety of courses to its learners and timetable their football training around the more important aspect of the course, the academics. We believe that offering courses from A-Levels to BTECS will help to recruit the learners that are as serious about their studies as they are at improving football ability.


    Along with these academic courses, students will also be offered the chance to complete their 1st for Sport Level One Certificate in Football Coaching, along with an opportunity to take their Refereeing badge. We are aware that University is not for everyone and see this course as an ideal vocational course to increase the employability of the individual who does not wish to continue in education, whilst supporting the CV and personal statements for those that do.

    Further additional short courses, such as CSLA, will also be offered to the learners. A further offer during the 2nd year for EDSV students will be the opportunity to gain their 1st for Sports Level Two Certificate in Football Coaching.

    Once you become a 2nd year student, you will be offered the opportunity to gain voluntary experience working with the local Liverpool Football Academy International programs. Performance within this remit could lead to paid employment with Liverpool International Football Academy.

    Students will be expected to maintain a suitable grade level, along with a 90% attendance average to lessons. We will strive to ensure that when a player has finished their time on a program, they are leaving with:

    • Completed academic qualifications

    • Offers from a Higher Education Institute

    • Qualified Coaching Status

    • Quailifed Refereeing Status

    • Various other relevant Short Course Qualifications

     • Coaching experience

    When it comes to training, we will use our extensive contacts to create a professionally run ‘academy’ for its learners. You will work closely with specialised Strength & Conditioning Coaches, along with Sport Therapists so that each learner is physically cared for.

    We also have an extensive training program, which allows students to work from similar sessions used at the Liverpool Academy. The football focus is on improving you as a player and to ensure we get the best from your natural talent. Training will include the following:

    • Nutritional Advice & Observation

    • Lifestyle Advice & Observation

    • Strength & Conditioning

    • Technical Improvement

    • Tactical Awareness

    • Psychological Guidance

    • Injury Prehab

    • Video Analysis

    • Guest speakers/coaches

    There is the obvious link with Liverpool FC, however we will link with local football clubs at a variety of football levels to ensure it caters for all levels of ability.

    If the information you have read appeals to you and you feel you have the ability and commitment to excel on one of our Academic Programs, then why not join. Alternatively, if you’ve heard enough and you want the chance to apply, register with Tonys Soccer School website for more information, you will then be sent details of there next trial. This information is provided free of charge by tony's Soccer School. There will be a £500 kit allowance that will need to be paid to Liverpool Football Academy should you be accepted.




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