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    List of Football Trials by Locations in England

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    List of Football Trials by Locations in England




    Premier Football Trials in Liverpool, Official trials and player development dates in

    Liverpool and local area.

    An Academy in Liverpool, has to offer player development that takes it to the

    21st Century, whilst being able to compete against other town and cities

    surrounding Liverpool throughout the UK and Europe.

    Describing the typical Liverpudlian Football Academy, ensures youth and

    professionalism and a desire to improve at all levels of football.

    Apply for A Liverpool FC Football Trial here

    Current Players and Past Players, are a help to see weather you can

    meet the criteria for the Academy status. Look for current players and where they

    come from ad their playing history and compare yours to see if it better.

    The Football Trial Process, a long and difficult task to even get to the stage to

    showcase your talents, but never give up and ensure you follow the correct

    process. Liverpool Academies like the ones at Everton FC and Liverpool FC have

    strict application process so ensure to follow that correctly.


    Actual trials dates for young footballers, be sure to have the correct date as

    not all clubs openly publish a particular date. The date maybe given upon

    sending in your application or youve been scouted by one of the Academy Scouts.

    Time Scales of trials, remember most clubs are preparing for the following

    season, so you are always on trials, make sure you are follow ok with the time

    scale of a trial if its 20 minutes then grab your chance if your lucky and they offer a

    6 week trials then your in luck.

    How long will the trials be, this again is dependant as to how you get spotted if you

    have been seen then it could be a 6 week trial in a Liverpool Football Academy or if

    your invited in for a match then that would last as long as you are on the pitch,

    but make sure you know how long it will be.

    Again get the date of training and the trial right, without it you wont never pass a trial.

    Pictures and Trial visual aids, are extremely important to you, Why? you ask,

    because it lays down a view of what you will encounter at the Academy Trial,

    such as player abilities, surroundings, so get searching for videos of trials

    in and around Liverpool Areas.

    Player Pictures, and TEam Pictures, make sure you know some of the players

    by face who yo will trial against or with, sound them out from Internet searches.

    This all helps if your to win at the game of academy football trials.

    Pictures of training facilities, IE dressing rooms and where toilets are, and

    pitch sizes even if you will be indoors or outdoors so you can prepare for your chance.

    Contacts, Locations and names of Academy Football coaches, try to

    know who they are, whats there names and this will stand you out from the

    coded world of football trials.


    Address of Football Trials in Liverpool, again check to see the address is correct

    or you want get in the team, be upto date on the venus and locations of teams

    and age group trial locations.

    Under 18's or Under 21's, what age group are you? again make sure you fit in

    the right catagory, turning up for the next age group may mean you've missed

    your chance. Also be aware of the age groups and when you ove up to the next

    age group etc.

    Liverpool FC Academy launch new football academy trials

    Where are trials held, inner city of Liverpool? I said, make sure you get the correct

    address maybe pop along just to familiarise yourself with the journey and give

    plenty of time.

    Academy team play in different locations, for example don't urn up at Goodison

    Park if you are to be at Melwood training ground Liverpool, same goes for

    turning up at Anfield Rd and you should be at Everton training Academy, you get my drift?


    How to Apply? Get the full contact details and again it may not be an open

    football trial and just an invitation to trials in the north of England, but either

    way don't be shy of applying for your pro football chance they ca only say now,

    our website helps you achieve this.

    Soccer Schools, are a way premier League and Footbal Clubs get youth and

    children into see them perform, never know you may get spotted that way so

    in truth this is a trial, David Beckham was scouted fro a Soccer School remember.

    Coaching Staff, get to know them and make n impression, search them before

    hand and get to know about there football past this will always help.
    Liverpool County FA

    Video's of Liverpool Academy Trials. Probably a great piece of advice search You

    Tube for past trials, see the playing ability how many players were there or who

    was watching, get the more knowledge the better.

    Video's of Actual Trials are a great visual asset.

    Coach Advice, get the advice from experienced people about going for a trial,

    ask everyone who has football qualifications what advice they can give and

    don't be put off.


    Coaching Drills and exercises, see what you may get to do, and practice them,

    before hand, this is great advice if you want to succeed in football clubs.

    In Depth knowledge of the Academy is vital. Get to know everything about the

    academy from who makes the tea, then if you get a place you will know what you

    are letting yourself in for.

    Structure and Academy Philosophy, All Academy Manager set a structure, be sure

    to know what it is before you go, what are the clubs aims and goals to see they match yours.

    Liverpool is a large area in North West England, and is a large town, City

    packed with potential footballers, not far from Manchester and a few hours to Wales.

    Liverpool Academy have a number of Rules and Regulations these are set by

    the Premier League and Football League and FA, Be sure you know them in full

    so you know what to expect, IE travel distance if your eligible to play etc, get

    information on this.


    Feeder Clubs are an important part of progression football. If you are trialing for

    one of these then you have a great chance, they all have their own way of working do

    be sure to treat Feeder clubs to the like of Liverpool, Everton or even Tranmere Rovers FC.

    When are Trial Matches played? Be sure you know in case you can't make

    them regularly, and where they are.

    Who do Academy teams play against, great question, other youth Academies,

    maybe from the local area of Liverpool or further afield maybe from outside UK,

    but remember to sound out the opposition so you are one step ahead.

    What standard of Player do I need to be? From reading this Trial information we

    have given you the knowledge how you can see if you good enough, maybe get

    someone to film you play in a match and analyse it.

    A guide to see if you meet the criteria. Here you can assess your full potential

    using all these tools I've shown you and more to fill that potential.

    Remember only you can fail a football trial, no one else, express yourself on the

    pitch, be the best, shine above the rest, on day football stardom will be yours.

    Work hard and be fitter than the rest,

    Thank you for reading Liverpool Football Trials, many more people went on to

    read these titles too.


    About Liverpool Pro Clubs Academy

    The  Academy offer an advanced football development and education programme supported by expert and dedicated staff. This clubs Academy is located at

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    Liverpool Academy Our Mission

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