Full Name : Jordan Newman
Date of Birth : 28/1/1997
Your Nationality : British
Best Position : GoalKeeper
Current Club : Not at one
Previous Clubs : None
Which Club you want a trials for : Southend, QPR and chelsea
Your County : Kent
Country you live : England
Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : I have been in goal for about 8 years, i have never played for a team before but have set up a local team and im in goal.i have had trials for gillingham but didint get in but i have been told i am a talanted player by my friends and i would love trials
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : i am a very good keeper i am good at diving and in the air i always try my best i have a very big mouth so i can shout at the defenders to mark up i have a decent kick and throw i havent got a weakspot i am good both sides and catching i can use both feet i prefer my right and alwya slook for the best pass
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : i think i should have a trial because i am a fantastic player and i will show how good i am on the day only a few goals should go past me if more they will have to try very hard if i get in it would meen the world to me so please give me trial i dont care how hard they kick the ball i will save it