Full Name : james atkins
    Age :
    Your Nationality : english
    Best Position : striker, winger, cam, cm
    Current Club : port vale fc
    Previous Clubs : bolton, chester, morecambe, everton, manchester united
    Which Club you want a trials for : any club that will take me on, id be very greatful and wear the shirt wid pride
    Your County : england
    Country you live : england
    Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : Well i  started football when i was 9 since then ive played for the clubs listed above. Ive scored 18 goals in 16 games this season with 6 assists, manchester united compared me to ronaldo for my flair and confidence, also i like to head the ball as im decent in the air for my size.
    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : Im quick, quit footed, abled to use both feet and can strike a ball wid sum venom, many scouts have scouted me but also said im small but strong and protective of the ball. I love a 50 5 and love a challenge because you wont beat me, im a character and love the banter aswell as very well mannered and good looking
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I cant make a academy director choose me, but i can portray my dedication and hunger for the game, i need it its in my blood eat drink sleep and poo football, its me and i love it so much, i want it unbelievably bad just not as much as eammon ryan he wants it so much.