Seluleko Buthelezi

    Full Name : Seluleko Buthelezi
    Age :
    Your Nationality : South Africa
    Best Position : Attacking Midfielder
    Current Club : F.c Zindos
    Previous Clubs : Gem stars f.c
    Which Club you want a trials for : Any club
    Your County : South Africa
    Country you live : South Africa
    Tell us about your football history (Min 50 words) : I started football at the age of 6years old and I have achieved so many awards for instant player of the season to mention few.
    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I am a good play maker especial when I am playing 1 2s and I am also good in marking, I am also good in driblling.
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : It because i am ready to show the world my talent and what I am made of and I also like to compete against the best players in the world.