Joining Everton Professional Development squad

    Players who have progressed through the Academy and have shown the potential to play at a higher level are offered professional contracts and will then join

    How does recruitment work at Everton Academy?

    We have a network of scouts who work for the Club on a local, national and international basis. They look for players predominantly from Under-7s to....

    About Everton Talent ID Scouts

    Academy scouts are registered with the Premier League and have been CRB checked. The Academy carries out regular

    Apply for Everton Academy Trial - Most Effective Way of Success

    Everton Academy Football Trial opportunities are every players dream. We have studied the most effective way for footballers to get a trial opportunity. Open trials are hard to come by at Everton as a premier league club but on collecting all this information from players who have applied for trials and here is the most effective way to get a trial opportunity at the Academy of Everton FC. We cannot say if you will be successful as that is based on your abilit, but here is the most genuine and effective route to applying for a trial opportunity or to get Everton scout to assess your football ability, Good Luck .... Members to our website will also gain access to every club trial opportunity.

    How to get a trial at Everton Academy

    You must be selected to have a trial at this Academy, so it is important that players are spotted in the right places at the right times. For some players, they prefer a direct approach sending in

    How to become a professional footballer Everton

    So, you want to become a professional footballer? Well you’ve come to the right place because we've got everything you need to know about turning pro

    How to get Scouted by at Everton

    It’s probably just about every young or amateur league footballer’s dream to get scouted by a top Premier League club. Just about any footballer will have dreamed about being watched or scouted by a professional scout at some time or another, so in this article we’ll give you