Home of United Arab Emirates Football Trials
    The Asian Football Confederation

    List of Professional United Arab Emirates Football Soccer Club Trials.
    Asian Football Confederation

    Our Official FIFA Football Agents & Intermediaries list United Arab Emirates.

    Football Trials listed by UAE Emirates (Locations) for Football Clubs in The United Arab Emirates.

    How to get Scouted by Professional United Arab Emirates Football Soccer Club Trials.
    Asian Football Confederation


    The List of Soccer Trials for the Countries in the Asian Football Confederation

    Pietro Chiodi Soccer Management

    The SOCCER MANAGEMENT is a modern and innovative agency specialized in football players' career management. Our main goal is to find and conclude the best professional contracts for our clients (and for any football player). Moreover, our assistence also includes promotion, advertising, sponsorship, financial, fiscal and insurance consultancy at a standard meeting the clients' most exigent demands.

    Via Giacomo Dina, 36
    00128 Rome
    (+39) 06 50 60 890
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    Pietro Chiodi has always followed football very closely and convinced by his friend Cristian Chivu, he has become FIFA agent in 2010. Today Soccer Management represents top players and young emerging talents. Through its agent, our Agency is able to be in direct contact with many football clubs, directors, coaches, trainers and consultants in all areas. PCSM also provides market consulence to companies, giving precious advice and also acting as a mediator for player transfers. Not only that, there are also many beneficiary coaches in Italy and in Europe, which have contributed to our agency’s liability and prestige in this industry. In less than ten years Pietro Chiodi has managed to establish important collaborations that allow his clients to have the chance to be promoted in many countries: England, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, USA, Greece and Romania. Those countries represent indeed the pivotal points of a dense network of international contacts that make this agency unique. 



    Our list has taken over 13 years to compile.

    To update, edit remove or correct this information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thank you for your help.

    Information correct at time of publication, we cannot be held responsible for any loss what so ever for someone incorrectly claiming to be a scout, agent or intermediary.

    Where possible these have been confirmed. If you wish to be added to this list please email as above.

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    This is a directory service. This information is not to be shared, copied or duplicated and is for information reference only. We have NO affiliation with this club or Scout, agent or Intermediary what so ever, and although some follow us on social media, it is not confirmation we endorse them or they endorse us

    in anyway. You are always advised to check official registration of appropriate FA. We take no responsibility for any loss incurred for incorrect information available in the public domain.