Last Name: wright
City: rathfarnham
State/Prov: dublin
Country: Ireland
Your Age:
Playing Position: striker/winger
Current Football Club: templeouge united fc
Past Football Clubs: terenure fc
Football Club you want a trial for: Chelsea
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: When I started playing football I was 4 and I was always at the top of my game and that goes for the same today. I have scored alot of goals since I started playing for my club. I am always hungary for goals and I have scored some great goals aswell. I am well know at my current club at the moment and I am still well know at my last club I played for aswell. So my best moments in football is skill beating defenders and scoring goals.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: My playing ability is skillful and iam good for passing and moving into space . I aslo have good interception reactions and I have good strength for getting the ball back for my possession. When I dont have the ball im always look for space to get the ball back at my feet. I have good control with the ball at my feet and i have a good left footed shot.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think I should get a trial because I think I could go far from the trial and achieve my goals in my football career. I would love to the chance to play for the academy because I have the standards to play for an academy so I hope you give me the chance
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