Obiechiwa Michael
Age : 16
Your County : NIGERIA
Your Nationality : NIGERIA
Best Position : Supporting Striker
Current Club : MIGHTY LIONS FC
Previous Clubs : ZIEGERNETH FA
Which Club you want a trials for : CHELSEA Academy
Country you live : GHANA
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I started playing at d age of 10 and i first played in a local club in my Area Called Black star fc.I was in d top starting 11 where i played as a winger(7) and i played league competitions before i got scouted by ziegerneth fa in Lagos Nigeria and I Played as A supporting Striker(8).Then i later travelled to Ghana and I got scouted into A D3 team called Mighty Lions fc where i played as a Defensive midfielder(4) i played the Gfa league. competitio
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I can control the ball well,i dont dribble alot,i play 1 and 2 touches mostly and i have the passion and fire of d Game in me,i can also shoot and i have the strength and power...
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Because i know am a good player and i will do my best not to let the Agency or Management Down in anyway.
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