Last Name: Prendergast
City: Breaffy
State/Prov: Co.Mayo
Country: Ireland
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: Striker/Mid-fielder
Current Football Club: Castlebar Town
Past Football Club: Castlebar Town
Football Club You Want Trial For: Real Madrid
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started palying football for a club 5 years ago now and have being playing football nearly all my life,only just over 6months ago now i statrted a serious workout to not only lose a few pounds but to gain muscle in my core and legs and arms and today i believe i am a very good soccer player all my whole year in school tell me i sm super fit strong and very skilled and talented at soccer i would do anything for a trial at real madrid i love the style of football they play and how fast they do it thats exactly how i like football to be played.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Well im very fast can do 100m sprint in just about 10 seconds,i,m very strong lots of muscle in my legs, core,and arms which every soccer player needs,very skillful im told by my soccer coach,friends,teachers and anyone ive played with in the last 3 monhts,very good header of the ball,have a very strong shot and accuarcy that's key and i never stop running and never give up in a match ill do whatever it takes to make sure my team win,team player and very accurate passer of the ball and very good at shoting and in the air.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think an academy manager should give me a chance because i will not let him or her down i will try my very hardest no matter what,ill try my best to impress and if they don't think im good enough ill leave with my head held high because i know i tried my very best,im very much a team player as am i a clinical striker i would be very greatful to get a trial for Real Madrid or any club all i want is to make a career out of soccer for my family so they'll never have to look over their shoulders for money again like we've being doing our whole lifes, i would be truly greatful for trials and i will not let any manager down.
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