Reece Bryan
Age : 19
Your County : South Yorkshire
Your Nationality : British
Best Position : Striker
Current Club : N/A
Previous Clubs : I have played football for various clubs throughout my life however since getting a job I've not had the time but I want to walk back into football and strive for my lifelong ambition
Which Club you want a trials for : Barnsley FC
Country you live : United Kingdom
Write about your football history : My passion for football generated and prospered rather uniquely as my family aren't sport orientated whatsoever. From the age of 5, I did nothing but play football, watch football on the TV and going to games and also dreamt to become a player one day. My history kicked off when I played for my school term which made me more enthusiastic and wanting to strive on, from the age of 9! I've played for Redfearns Fc when I was around 15/16 years old and I got offered to go play for a top flight team in Leeds but work got in the way of my football. Ever since then I've looked for opportunities to get back to playing football I can play outside of work hours.
Write about your Playing Ability : I'm an open minded player however I'm more driven towards either playing behind the striking line or in the strikers line. I'm a creative player, good on the ball and also not scared to have a go at goal when pressured. I'm a team player too and not greedy so I tend to look at creating the chances unless the chances are there for myself to take a go at.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : I believe I should receive a trial because I'm a very enthusiastic, energetic team player and I'm willing to go to the depths necessary to get the best of my ability and push forward in my career with football life
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