Lorcan Lehane-Cox
    Age : 18
    Your County : Berkshire
    Your Nationality : British
    Best Position : Striker
    Current Club : N/A
    Previous Clubs : New Windsor Woodpeckers, New Windsor Phoenix
    Which Club you want a trials for : Arsenal FC, QPR FC, Reading FC, Leeds United
    Country you live : England
    Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I've been playing football since I was 7 Years Old. I played for New Windsor Woodpeckers youth team, which then split after not having enough funds to run two teams. so my team then became New Windsor Phoenix. After playing for New Windsor Phoenix for roughly a year going on 2 years, my father then told me that he knew a friend whose friend was either a QPR trainer or Scout, my fathers friend watched me play and thought that I had talent, he then told his friend who was involved with QPR about me, and a few months followed and then I was informed that a QPR scout was coming down to watch me play. unfortunately a week going on two weeks later I fractured my left wrist and I unfortunately could not play the match. I missed out on a huge, possibly life changing, moment. at the age of 12, I stopped playing football because I arrived at a new school (The Windsor Boys School) and I started playing rugby instead as the school didn't exactly take football seriously. 5 years later and ive finished school, within those 5 years, I still played football, but not competitively as the matches clashed with my rugby matches. im now 18 years old, and I still have the passion for football, I love football, its my life. 
    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : im 6ft 2 and I always use my strength either on the ball or off the ball as well as in the air. im quick on my feet and I never stop running, Im always chasing down players, putting pressure on them. when im on the ball Im constantly looking out for my team mates making runs, and always try to play them through on goal. I love to score, but im not a greedy player and always pass the ball. from a young age ive been compared to Fredrik Ljungberg, David Beckham, Francesc Fabregas as well as my idle, Dennis Bergkamp. I was given a nickname when I was 8-9years old which was LorcDog, this was because I play like a dog, constantly chasing players shoulder barging them off the ball, using my strength, slide tackling them. My preferred position is Striker as I like to use my pace to out run players and then cut back inside to either have a shot at goal or play a through ball a long the ground for my team mate to run onto. I have a great finish inside the 18 yard box, 9 times out of 10 I always score, but from outside the box im known for my powerful longshots. everyday in my free time I go down to my local football club to practice my long shots and free kicks, im constantly trying to perfect them. I have played as a centre back a number of times as well as left back. this is because im good in the air and I never give up, I am an extremely competitive player and I always want to win.
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I think that an academy director should give me trial, as im 18 years old now, and as you know, at this age its harder to get trials for academies as well as become a professional footballer. I missed out from a young age to possibly become a professional footballer, and I think now, being older and more mature, that this is my time. I feel that I can make a difference for the team, and I will bring the team together and I will score goals. I want to win trophies and medals. I want my team to be the best. 


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