Kieran Prendergast 
    Age : 17
    Your County : Essex
    Your Nationality : British 
    Best Position : Striker 
    Current Club : None
    Previous Clubs : Tottenham development, Ryan fc and west Essex colts fc 
    Which Club you want a trials for : Kentish town fc 
    Country you live : United Kingdom 
    Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I have played for a couple clubs like Tottenham foundation west essex colts fc and Ryan fc. When playing for west essex colts fc I was top goal scorer for that year I had joined and scored 24 goals in that season and I played in center forward for that year. When playing for Tottenham foundation My first season I had scored on my debut match and then scoring another goal a couple matches later also my main position for this team was playing in left back. Lastly when playing for Ryan fc I only played one match mainly cause I was too caught up in coursework in school so I didn't really have time to carry on with that team.
    Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : One of my main player abilities is that I'm a fast runner meaning I'm good at tracking back into position. Another ability I have is that I am able to give a long pass to strikers feet. Another ability that I have when playing is that I am good at defending and tackling so I can take the ball away from a player quickly. Another ability that I have when playing is that I can finish so technically if I'm in in front of goal I am more likely to score. Lastly one of my ability's on the pitch is that I can play simple so instead of forcing passes I will most of the time play simple. 
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : I think that the academy director should give me a trial because I'm dedicated to football and I would try my best at the trial so it wouldn't be a waste of time for the academy director. Also another reason why the academy director should give me a trial because I am punctual and organised. Lastly a reason why the academy director should give me a trial because I am passionate and determined to become a professional footballer and I will do what ever it takes to become one. 


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