    Last Name: Jama
    City: Mombasa
    State/Prov: coast province
    Country: Kenya
    Your Age: 20
    Playing Position: Right-back, Right-wing forward and Defence.
    Current Football Club: Non
    Past Football Clubs: Sparky Youth FC.
    Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal FC.
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football when I was 10yrs old. I Trained mostly at the beach then i joined my neighborhood youth team where i was trained as a central defender. I was taught how to tackle that ball the cleanest way ever possible and to command that line of defense which took a lot of time. then later i developed the urge to attack more with pace and that was an opportunity given to me by my coach. i played as a full back, right wing forward and a winger mostly with my challenge being to cross that ball from the wing as many times and accurately as possible, how i get there, I and the team worked on that. i am always hungry for goals. because i don't have to defend so hard if we are taking our chances right.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I saw Denis control the ball against Newcastle united and Thiery Henry repeat that stunt and score fast and with Robert Pires slow but sure passing, as a full back and a right wing forward i knew i had to master their art if i was to win. precisely once i learnt how to control the ball then the rest is working with my team on getting forward with results more often.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I am very strong, fast and can play for long enough. If i dont have that ball, then we are getting it back. I like to remain as flexible as possible. i am good with penalties, free kicks and one-on-one situations both as an attacking player and defensive player. i listen well and am quick at judging the flow of the game and that helps avoid a lot of damage. i am good with headers, passing, and ball control. i may talk all day  but am dying for a chance to show what i really want to offer as a player. All a manager's got to do is just see to believe. Thank you


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