• Split the players into two groups within a 15 x 15 yard area
• To begin players choose their own route by moving through out the area.
• Players perform a variety of movements that can include;
• Calf swings or straight leg jogging
• Hamstring volleys (hip flexors) Hamstring volleys (hip flexors)
• Thigh volleys or heels to buttocks
• Groin abductors / adductors
• Lunges
• Intensity should be gradual leading into higher intensity bounding movements (including lateral) to prepare for extended warm up to develop speed strength power extended warm up to develop speed, strength, power.
• Incorporate balls by asking players to pass and move to begin with.
• Other activities can include;
• Other activities can include;
• Once players have passed the ball they must run one side of the area;
• Pass in a certain order (Number players)
• Call a number and following a pass the player leaves and moves to a different area (Diagonal/Across);
• 3 balls in play - pass across area on coaches command then
• 3 balls in play - pass across area on coaches command then switch areas;
• Keep ball up and pass – run 2 sides;
• Pass by hand and pass – run 3 sides;
• Players can pass to players running down the sides.